RideMe, the bike rental accessible to everyone!

RideMe was born from the desire to share, to travel together, to enjoy sports, and most importantly, to provide a service accessible at any time and to everyone.

The bike rental service through the app allows you to avoid limitations related to access hours. The user-friendly interface enables autonomous use of the service, getting on the bike and setting off to discover what surrounds you.
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Providing the opportunity to experience the territory in a sustainable way

Meeting the needs of a audience that not only requires access to green transportation for healthy and sustainable travel, but also desires to immerse themselves in the territory’s history and traditions. Offering an automated bike rental service, without time restrictions, accessible to all.

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Creating a network of businesses that prioritize environmental sustainability

Expanding the service to offer an investment opportunity to individuals or companies interested in promoting sustainable transportation, thereby creating a network of partnerships based on shared values of environmental responsibility and social commitment.

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Expand the network to allow you to rent your bike anywhere, worry-free.

RideMe revolutionizes the concept of bike rental, turning it into an immersive experience that goes beyond mere mobility. It’s not just about getting from point A to point B, but about discovering the cultural and historical fabric of the city, pedal stroke by pedal stroke. With its intuitive app, RideMe makes every journey an adventure easy to start, enriched by audio guides that reveal secrets and hidden stories of the places you traverse. This approach, coupled with an inclusive franchising model, invites others to share the dream of sustainable mobility, creating a network of shared experiences that celebrate the local area and promote an active and mindful lifestyle.